Donation / Requests

The Fondation des Artistes, recognized of public utility and as a not-for-profit entity, was created to administer the two founding bequests of the Baroness de Rothschild in 1922 in Paris, and of the Smith’s sisters in 1944 in Nogent-sur-Marne.  

Since then, the foundation has also benefitted from the generosity of other great personalities like Pierre Guastalla, Andrée Joubert, Jeanne Berthomme Saint-André, David David-Weill, André Dignimont, Georgette Le Campion, André Leroux, Andrée Pradal, Claire Stoppelaere, Emmanuel Jodelet, Jeanne Huillard and many others. A generous donation was recently made in memory of Michel Nessim Boukris. These benefactors valued the Maison nationale des artistes as a social and cultural institution at the service of artists administered by the Fondation des Artistes and wanted to give their financial support. 

The Fondation des Artistes is a great tool to administer bequests for artists. To that effect, all donations (while the person is alive), bequests (through testamentary dispositions) and patronage actions contributing to the implementation and development of the foundation’s mission are tax-deductible and give right to tax reductions. 

Make a donation

If you wish to make a donation to the Fondation des Artistes to support and grow its actions, please fill-up the form, and we will get in touch with you. 

For private donations, individuals can deduce 66% of the amount of their donation to the Fondation des Artistes from their income tax, within the limit of 20% of their taxable income (Article 200 of the Code Général des Impôts). For corporate donations by companies taxable in France, 60% of the amount of their donation to the Fondation des Artistes is tax-deductible from their corporate tax or income tax within the limit of 0,5% of their total revenue (Article 238 bis from the Code Général des Impôts)